Private thoughts on the Garissa attack

9 Apr 2015

Just thinking. How effective is the hash tag ‪#‎wereareone‬ and ‪#‎147isntjustanumber‬?

In a months time the Garisa attack will be forgotten and alshabaab will be issuing fresh threats. Why can't we go to the streets to compel the government to withdraw its troops.

Because afterall KDF have proven to be incompetent as seen in the recent university attack. Where are the Kilimani Ladies, Activist Bonny and Omtata, University and college students... where are you? Dont you think we've burried enough in the name of helping people who are infact hiding the terrorists among them.

What the hell is "I knew he had joined Al shabaab but didn't know he was capable of killing so many innocent lives"?

Question is, why dint you report him? Because you know that once you join al shabaab you have sold ur soul and no longer have a say on wat you do or don't do. All you do is the devils bidding even if it means killing your entire family. Such people shd be arrested for withholding information that would compromise national security. Why cant the government just close the Kenya-Somali border (assuming there is even an actual border). Enough is enough.