List of famous quotes by the cabinet secretary Joseph Ole lenku during the Westgate mall terror attack;
1. All the suspects have been arrested. police are looking for them.
2. I can confirm, although I am not certain, that we have very good reason to believe that tomorrow is Monday.
3. Yes there were 15 to 20 terrorists. We managed to capture both of them!
4. We killed 5 terrorists, one committed twicide, The other 2 have been blocked by twitter.
5. One of the terrorist who was shot dead last week led us today to the hide out of the other 3 suspects.
6. KDF didn't steal they just held the valuables hostage.
7. We recovered 4 bodies from the rubble. Forensic investigation will determine whether they are really dead or pretending.
8. We had control of the building except for 4th floor,3rd floor and 2nd floor, but I THINK we had control of the building.
9. There were 15 terrorists, We killed 3 suspects, building collapsed on 5. All of them are dead.
10. All the terrorists were men except about three women.
11. We managed to kill all the 5 terrorists, they were 15 in number
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