Kales washed down Twitter trends leo...

7 Nov 2013

Okay, before you delete this or copy the trash, how do we describe a Kalenjin? Byusing their names of course!

1.A Kalenjin who keeps bees CHEBII
2.A Kalenjin rich man... KeRICH
3.A Kalenjin man with a gambling problem.... KiBET
4.A Kalenjin who likes going to the toilet...KipCHOOge
5.A Kalenjin girl with nice legs...ChemuTHIGH
6.A Kalenjin group of conmen... Mur-KON-Men
7.A Kalenjin In Prison... JELAgat
8.A Kalenjin who loves weights...KipCHUMA
9.A Kalenjin who owns a ship...KiMELI
10.A Kalenjin woman with niceboobs... ChepTITI
11.A Kalenjin woman who loves to cry... CheRUTO
12.A Kalenjin woman who loves Limousines... JeLIMO
13.A Kalenjin man who is good in chemistry...CHEMboi
14.A Kalenjin phone... SamSANG
15.A Kalenjin who likes to swim...ToWET
16. A Kalenjin who likes using vaseline... JELLYmo
17.A Kalenjin who likes drinking too much...KipLAGERat
18.A Kalenjin who loves to listen to roots reggea.. KipROOTo
19.A Kalenjin man in parliament...BUNGEi
20.A Kalenjin teacher is called...Ng'eTEACH