Raila has no moral authority to call for a referendum, says Namwamba

19 Aug 2014

A political battle is looming in ODM after Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba faulted the calls for a national referendum being championed by his party.

Namwamba, who has hitherto remained mum on the push by ODM and other Cord constituent parties’ to amend the constitution, said Raila should not call for disbandment of the IEBC yet his ODM party could not hold a successful party nomination.

Namwamba accused Raila of attempting to stop him from clinching the post of party Secretary General in the botched February 28 National Delegates Conference.

“If you cannot trust Ababu Namwamba with the secretary general of a party because he doesn’t look trustworthy, because he comes from a different community, then how will work with his community when you become President?” posed Namwamba while addressing a fundraiser at the Anglican Church in Mushilire, Navakholo constituency, Kakamega County on Sunday.

“Our country is crying out for leadership. We have resources, good weather and hard working citizens. Kenya is a blessed land but lacks leaders. Kenya needs leaders that don’t trade in politics throughout the week,” Namwamba said.

However, Siaya Senator James Orengo, nominated MP Oburu Odinga and other leaders have rubbished Namwamba's utterances and said that he was confusing issues.

“The national referendum is different from the ODM party elections and the two should not be confused,” Funyula MP Paul Otuoma said.

"We know that Ababu is going to bed with our enemies. What he is saying is not meant for our ears but for the ears of his masters who gave him four choppers to use in his campaigns for the ODM secretary general’s post. He has no financial muscle to mount such an expensive campaign,” Oburu Odinga said.

Orengo on his part said that the referendum push is bigger than ODM since other political players including Peter Kenneth and Martha Karua had now joined ranks to push for a constitutional amendment.